MONyog v3.8.0.4 Linux RPM x64 SQL監視和建議工具軟體 英文破解版
破解說明:Serial: 23F3F90E-45D9-11DE-A114-79EB55D89593
MONyog v3.8.0.4 Linux RPM x64 SQL監視和建議工具軟體 英文破解版
是一款SQL監視和建議工具。幫助MySQL的dbas管理更多MySQL伺服器,調整其目前的 MySQL
MONyog MySQL Monitor and Advisor is a "MySQL DBA in a box" that
helps MySQL DBAs manage more MySQL servers, tune their current
MySQL servers and find and fix problems with their MySQL database
applications before they can become serious problems or costly
MONyog pro-actively monitors enterprise database environments and
provides expert advice on how even those new to MySQL can tighten
security, optimize performance and reduce downtime of their MySQL
powered systems.
As a MONyog user you will know in advance if server resources will
soon be running short. You can plan a hardware replacement or
upgrade in comfortable time and not when it is almost too late (or
just plain too late!). And the metrics about the server that
MONyog gives you will help to decide what to upgrade: Faster CPU,
More RAM, Faster disc systems - or maybe only remove another
program from the computer where the MySQL server is running.
MONyog provides a log analysis module, a "query sniffer" and a
"processlist watcher" that makes it easy to identify the
statements and applications that run slow on the server. This
includes various filtering and EXPLAIN options for an efficient
workflow when you want to optimize your applications.
To use the MONyog mail alert functionality to mail you alerts
about a MySQL server you will first need to select that feature
when registering a server. You can choose to receive mails, not
only when there are problems but also to notify that the system is
running smoothly at regular intervals. Further, you can set the
minimum time interval between mails sent by MONyog to suit your
needs and to avoid cluttering your mailbox. For every MySQL server
choose a setting depending on how important the performance of
this particular server is.