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Learnkey XML for Developers Part 1 英文光碟正式版 (5片裝)



Learnkey XML for Developers Part 1 英文光碟正式版 (5片裝)

LearnKey公司美國最大最強的電腦出版商特選 XML For Developer教育訓練軟體,
提供你最新、最完整而且最正確的資料。最新的 XML for Developer是提供你有關
從一般的學習管道得知的資料哦,Learnkey 憑著多年的教育軟體編編輯功力及實機

Martin Schaeferle is the Director of IT for AppDev, and has taught IT
professionals nationwide to develop applications using Visual Basic,
Microsoft SQL Server, Visual InterDev, and XML. Martin is a featured
speaker at Microsoft TechEd and the Microsoft NCD Channel Summit, and is a
featured LearnKey instructor for Web and distributed application training
courses for developers. He specializes in developing Visual Basic database
applications, COM-based components, and ASP-based websites.

Session 1
Section A:
The Essence of XML Agenda Goals of XML HTML vs. XML Extensibility
Unstructured Data & XML App-Specific Documents Independence XML Definition
Section B:
Business Value of XML Advantages Hidden Benefits XML in Real World EDI
Section C:
XML Life Cycle Overview Create the Document Store & Retrieve Display or
Section D:
Three Views of Data Documents Document Example Database Format Database
Example Objects Object Example XML Hybrid XML Example
Section E:
Design Goals Ten Goals Related Technologies
Section F:
XML Basics Part 1 Agenda XML Document Elements Element Examples Element
Names Root Element Open/Close Tags Content
Section G:
XML Basics Part 2 CDATA Sections Attributes Empty Tags Data Types White
Space Language Attributes vs. Elements Expansion
Section H:
Entities & Entity References Entities Processing Instructions Comments
Comment Examples Namespaces Namespace Examples Tag Examples Mixed Examples
Total Time: 75 Minutes

Session 2
Section A: Validation Problems with DTDs Validation Tools
Section B: Declaration vs. Definition External Definition Internal
Definition & Private DTDs Public DTD Options Referencing
Private DTD
Section C: Content Specifications Element Types
Section D: Element Sequences Valid XML Document Invalid XML Document
Section E: Element Groups Choice Lists Slide Option Groups Element Groups
Demonstration More Element Groups PCDATA in Elements Slide
Section F: Attribute Lists Attribute Types Slide Attribute Modifiers Slide
DTD Example of Attribute Lists
Section G: Cascading Style Sheets HTML Examples How XML Declares CSS
Browser Support Web Site Applying CSS to XML Documents
Section H: CSS Level One Context Selectors, Class & ID Attributes Line
Formatting & Font Attributes Color Attribute Comments Slide
Section I: CSS Level Two Pseudo Elements & Content Slides Attribute
Selectors & Pattern Matching Slides Counters Slide
Section J: CSS Tools Visual InterDev Demonstration
Total Time: 74 Minutes

Session 3
Section A: Getting Started with XSL Agenda Terms XSL Process XSL Benefits
Nodes XSL Namespaces Declaring a Style Sheet Client Tips
Section B: eXcelon Stylus XSL Example Default Templates Value Of White
Space Direct Child Parents XSL Concepts
Section C: Matching Part 1 Overview Root Node Element Name Element Or
Section D: Matching Part 2 Descendants Text Nodes Conditional Matches Apply
Templates Mode Attribute
Section E: Flow Control Overview For Each If Element Procedures
Section F: Expressions Sorting Variables Parameters Calculations Comments
Total Time: 60 Minutes

Session 4
Section A: XML DOM Basics Agenda The XML DOM Nodes & Trees
Section B: Properties & Methods Document Properties Document Methods
NodeList Object Node Types Node Properties Node Methods
NamedNodeMap Bi-Directional
Section C: Instantiating the DOM Visual Basic Active Server Pages Internet
Explorer Example
Section D: Loading & Saving File System URL String Save & Load
Section E: Tree Navigation Overview Example File Walking the Tree Querying
the Tree Dead Reckoning
Section F: Parameterized XML Overview Substitute Parameter Apply Style
Section G: Custom Helper Classes Overview XML Update Language
Section H: Simple API for XML Overview SAX Event Viewer
Section I: XML Schema Background Agenda DTD XML Schema Goals
Implementations Using XML Schema
Section J: XML Schema Content Model Basics Types Element Types Attribute
Types Instances Group Description Element Data Types
Total Time: 90 Minutes

Session 5
Section A: Storage Options Agenda Dynamic Creation File System Map to
Fields Text Field XML DOM Object OODMBS
Section B: OLE DB & ADO ActiveX Data Recordset Persistence Text File
Namespaces in ADO Hierarchical Recordsets Integration with DOM
Integration with IIS Integration with SQL
Section C: SQL Server 2000 Preview Update Grams
Section D: The Need for SOAP Three Issues SOAP in a Sentence SOAP
Advantages What SOAP is Not Alternatives How SOAP Works Design
Section E: Implementing SOAP Client Post Server Response SOAP Extensions
Total Time: 50 Minutes
